Steven Brooks' Blog

Student @Flatiron School

Day 6...Hey Dude Remember There Are Keys and Values in Hashes

Got it. Finally. I couldn’t be happier right now.

I’m going to reflect a little here. I’ve been programming for 8 weeks now. In that time, I have learned Ruby, SQL, Git, Sintra, and now Rails. Holy shit.

While those are remarkable I now truly consider myself a programmer. In my latest blog post, I mentioned that I was going down a nice long rabbit hole. But I’m here, and you know what, I’m totally out of that rabbit hole now. I am now able to know exactly where some of my errors are and also where I can go to get those errors solved. On my StackOverflow question, I was able to articulate my question well enough so that a true Rubyist would be able to answer my questions and for me to understand what he was saying.

Here is my form that will scale and will work. I whooped you ass.

My form